Hale Village Hall Rate Card 2024/25

The Main Hall Rates
Standard Rate £11.00 per hour
Local / Charity £9.00 per hour
Corporate £25.00 per hour inc projector / wifi
Adult Parties ( over 25 years )
Standard £125.00 with £50 refundable deposit
Local £88.00 with £50 refundable deposit
Children's Parties ( up to 12 years )
Standard £55.00 with £50 refundable deposit
Local £44.00 with £50 refundable deposit

Main Hall & Kitchen Rates
Standard Rate £15.00 per hour
Local / Charity £13.00 per hour
Corporate £30.00 per hour inc projector / wifi
Adult Parties ( over 25 years )
Standard £150.00 with £100 refundable deposit
Local £110.00 with £100 refundable deposit
Children's Parties ( up to 12 years )
Standard £66.00 with £100 refundable deposit
Local £55.00 Also with £100 refundable deposit

Garden Room Rates
Standard Rate £7.50 per hour
Local / Charity £5.50 per hour
Corporate £10.00 per hour inc projector / wifi
Adult Parties ( over 25 years )
Standard £40.00 with £50 refundable deposit
Local £33.00 with £50 refundable deposit
Children's Parties ( up to 12 years )
Standard £38.50 with £50 refundable deposit
Local £33.00 with £50 refundable deposit
Licensed Hire
The hall has a premises licence which allows for sale and supply of alcohol at licensed times. Please read the additional conditions below if you would like to hire the hall under our licence. For hire of Hale Village Hall using our premises licence there will be an additional fee of £10.
Use of Own Equipment in the Village Hall or Garden
Barbecues and other outdoor cooking equipment in the village hall garden may only be used with permission from the management committee. Please contact the hall manager. For events and use of cooking equipment on the car park or village green, permission must be sought from Hale Parish Council.
Hirers may only use their own electrical equipment in the hall or garden if it is brand new or has been PAT tested. Permission must be given by the hall manager for use of your own cooking or heating appliances.
Risk Assessment
Hirers are required to undertake a risk assessment of their own or they may comply with the general risk assessment below.
Downloadable Documents .
General Conditions of Hire 2025